My friend Dave Holoboff wrote this up some time ago:

You know you people sound like children.

Really  unprofessional.

Go ahead --- call me names. i left middle school almost 30 years ago. It
won't bother me.

Can we knock off the name calling and actually offer advice and possible
solutions? I thought that was what this list was for.

For those of us out in the field doing things ... This might be your
ticket. It requires a restart of MySQL (which may or may not be acceptable)
bit it's a fairly clean solution.

Minimal load, easy to query for your last connection time and how often
connections are made by a user.

Again, requires a restart to enable (and disable) . Oh, and users with
"super" privileges won't be logged.




Keith Murphy
Senior MySQL DBA
Principal Trainer
Paragon Consulting Services


(c) 850-637-3877

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