Mellow greetings,

Enhance your calm. Lets get our facts straight and not go off our
rockers. MySQL 5.6 Enterprise edition will be able to do this natively (, but
otherwise you cannot do it natively. This does not mean
its impossible, though as there's a few easy work arounds.

1) Force all logins to use the PAM or AD authentication plugin -- if the
authentication is success then log it in AD or PAM
2) use a init-connect to log logins but that doesn't work for users with
super privileges as Keith mentioned below (thanks Keith for actually trying
to help!)
3) Write your own plugin using the MySQL Plugin APIs
4) use the McAfee Audit Plugin for MySQL (Free:

Singer Wang
(yes, I just watched Demolition Man)

On Thu, Oct 4, 2012 at 11:29 PM, Keith Murphy <>wrote:

> My friend Dave Holoboff wrote this up some time ago:
> You know you people sound like children.
> Really  unprofessional.
> Go ahead --- call me names. i left middle school almost 30 years ago. It
> won't bother me.
> Can we knock off the name calling and actually offer advice and possible
> solutions? I thought that was what this list was for.
> For those of us out in the field doing things ... This might be your
> ticket. It requires a restart of MySQL (which may or may not be acceptable)
> bit it's a fairly clean solution.
> Minimal load, easy to query for your last connection time and how often
> connections are made by a user.
> Again, requires a restart to enable (and disable) . Oh, and users with
> "super" privileges won't be logged.
> Thanks,
> Keith
> --------------------------
> Keith Murphy
> Senior MySQL DBA
> Principal Trainer
> Paragon Consulting Services
> 850-637-3877
> --
> *
> *
> (c) 850-637-3877

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