Dear Stroker Dog,

why don't you just get PHP Triade Setup? It will install Apache, PHP,
Perl, and MySQL on a Windows machine. Tried it out, works great. No
configuration at all. Simply restart Windows, and web server, php
interpreter and MySQL server will be up and running :)

(You will have to get the documentations separately - and


  Stefan Hinz
  Geschäftsführer / CEO iConnect e-commerce solutions GmbH
  #  Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin
  #  Tel: +49-30-46307-382  Fax: +49-30-46307-388

----- Original Message -----
From: "Stroker Dog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 3:59 AM
Subject: installing mysql

> I'm relatively new to web development and basically don't have a clue
on all
> the intricacies of establishing a localhost development environment.
> running a Win 98 platform and want to develop using PHP4, Apache, &
> that will support transaction processing.
> I've found a ton of great information on establishing this dev
> and have successfully installed & configured apache & php. These
> seem to work just fine, I'm able to serve up my PHP scripts no
problem. So
> my next step was to install MySql,  All the tutorials  I've read make
> sound like a piece of cake, however I must be illiterate because MySql
> kicking my butt. It's my impression I must be missing the boat
somewhere on
> the configuration aspects of this. I was getting an error
> innodb_data_file_path not specified so I read some more & setup a
> file with a slew of InnoDB options;
> # mysql config file.
> #
> # One can use all long options that the program supports.
> # Run the program with --help to get a list of available
> options
> # This will be passed to all mysql clients
> [client]
> #password=my_password
> port=3306
> #socket=MySQL
> # Here is entries for some specific programs
> # The following values assume you have at least 32M ram
> # The MySQL server
> [mysqld]
> port=3306
> #socket=MySQL
> skip-locking
> default-character-set=latin1
> set-variable = key_buffer=16M
> set-variable = max_allowed_packet=1M
> set-variable = thread_stack=128K
> set-variable = flush_time=1800
> innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:20M;ibdata2:20M
> innodb_data_home_dir = c:\ibdata
> set-variable = innodb_mirrored_log_groups=1
> innodb_log_group_home_dir = c:\iblogs
> set-variable = innodb_log_files_in_group=3
> set-variable = innodb_log_file_size=10M
> set-variable = innodb_log_buffer_size=10M
> innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1
> innodb_log_arch_dir = c:\iblogs
> innodb_log_archive=0
> set-variable = innodb_buffer_pool_size=20M
> set-variable = innodb_additional_mem_pool_size=10M
> set-variable = innodb_file_io_threads=4
> set-variable = innodb_lock_wait_timeout=50
> # Uncomment the following row if you move the MySQL
> distribution to another
> # location
> #basedir = d:/mysql/
> [mysqldump]
> quick
> set-variable = max_allowed_packet=16M
> [mysql]
> no-auto-rehash
> [isamchk]
> set-variable= key=16M
> [client_fltk]
> help_file= c:\mysql\sql_client\
> client_file= c:\mysql\MySQL.options
> history_length=20
> database = test
> queries_root= c:\mysql\queries
> last_database_file= c:\mysql\lastdb
> ******
>  I got farther along but evidently what I have must not be appropriate
> because it died with the following:
> Innobase: Assertion failure in thread 4294132173 in file
> M:\mysql-3.23\innobase\
> os\os0file.c line 187
> Innobase: we intentionally generate a memory trap.
> Innobase: Send a bug report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 010726 19:30:37  C:\MYSQL\BIN\MYSQLD.EXE: Got signal 11.
> Aborting!
> 010726 19:30:37  Aborting
> InnoDB: Warning: shutting down not properly started database
> 010726 19:30:37  C:\MYSQL\BIN\MYSQLD.EXE: Shutdown Complete
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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