>Heath, I once had similar symptoms when my DNS resolving had problems
>and all new connections "slept" for some seconds while they were
>waiting for an response. My work-around was to use --skip-name-resolve
>until the DNS problem was solved.


Thanks for the suggestion but the connections are made quickly.   How did you
diagnose the cause of the blocked processes?

Here is our SHOW STATUS

(MYTOP reports key eff at 98.30%)

| Variable_name            | Value     |
| Aborted_clients          | 58        |
| Aborted_connects         | 6         |
| Bytes_received           | 281234326 |
| Bytes_sent               | 811153664 |
| Com_admin_commands       | 0         |
| Com_alter_table          | 0         |
| Com_analyze              | 0         |
| Com_backup_table         | 0         |
| Com_begin                | 0         |
| Com_change_db            | 302859    |
| Com_change_master        | 0         |
| Com_check                | 3         |
| Com_commit               | 0         |
| Com_create_db            | 0         |
| Com_create_function      | 0         |
| Com_create_index         | 0         |
| Com_create_table         | 0         |
| Com_delete               | 9719      |
| Com_drop_db              | 0         |
| Com_drop_function        | 0         |
| Com_drop_index           | 0         |
| Com_drop_table           | 0         |
| Com_flush                | 11        |
| Com_grant                | 0         |
| Com_insert               | 6712      |
| Com_insert_select        | 0         |
| Com_kill                 | 1         |
| Com_load                 | 0         |
| Com_load_master_table    | 0         |
| Com_lock_tables          | 43        |
| Com_optimize             | 2         |
| Com_purge                | 0         |
| Com_rename_table         | 0         |
| Com_repair               | 0         |
| Com_replace              | 11200     |
| Com_replace_select       | 0         |
| Com_reset                | 0         |
| Com_restore_table        | 0         |
| Com_revoke               | 0         |
| Com_rollback             | 0         |
| Com_select               | 992536    |
| Com_set_option           | 30        |
| Com_show_binlogs         | 0         |
| Com_show_create          | 30        |
| Com_show_databases       | 1         |
| Com_show_fields          | 164       |
| Com_show_grants          | 0         |
| Com_show_keys            | 134       |
| Com_show_logs            | 0         |
| Com_show_master_status   | 0         |
| Com_show_open_tables     | 0         |
| Com_show_processlist     | 16395     |
| Com_show_slave_status    | 0         |
| Com_show_status          | 16392     |
| Com_show_innodb_status   | 0         |
| Com_show_tables          | 63        |
| Com_show_variables       | 21        |
| Com_slave_start          | 0         |
| Com_slave_stop           | 0         |
| Com_truncate             | 0         |
| Com_unlock_tables        | 43        |
| Com_update               | 67322     |
| Connections              | 57265     |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables  | 55741     |
| Created_tmp_tables       | 73446     |
| Created_tmp_files        | 2         |
| Delayed_insert_threads   | 0         |
| Delayed_writes           | 0         |
| Delayed_errors           | 0         |
| Flush_commands           | 1         |
| Handler_delete           | 11154     |
| Handler_read_first       | 2556      |
| Handler_read_key         | 4188631   |
| Handler_read_next        | 191026746 |
| Handler_read_prev        | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd         | 621661    |
| Handler_read_rnd_next    | 307280865 |
| Handler_update           | 2385098   |
| Handler_write            | 441886    |
| Key_blocks_used          | 323159    |
| Key_read_requests        | 17430842  |
| Key_reads                | 297185    |
| Key_write_requests       | 207525    |
| Key_writes               | 126263    |
| Max_used_connections     | 28        |
| Not_flushed_key_blocks   | 0         |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows | 0         |
| Open_tables              | 47        |
| Open_files               | 79        |
| Open_streams             | 0         |
| Opened_tables            | 554       |
| Questions                | 1480880   |
| Select_full_join         | 0         |
| Select_full_range_join   | 0         |
| Select_range             | 121769    |
| Select_range_check       | 0         |
| Select_scan              | 89036     |
| Slave_running            | OFF       |
| Slave_open_temp_tables   | 0         |
| Slow_launch_threads      | 0         |
| Slow_queries             | 23        |
| Sort_merge_passes        | 0         |
| Sort_range               | 51216     |
| Sort_rows                | 620034    |
| Sort_scan                | 76548     |
| Table_locks_immediate    | 1164416   |
| Table_locks_waited       | 673       |
| Threads_cached           | 7         |
| Threads_created          | 63        |
| Threads_connected        | 1         |
| Threads_running          | 1         |
| Uptime                   | 103453    |

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