On January 4, 2005 06:58 pm, stan wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 04, 2005 at 05:35:21PM -0500, john roberts wrote:
> > I've thought about doing this also.  I'm wondering why you wouldn't want
> > to go diskless.  Why not boot of the net?
> >
> > Is it the boot-up time you're concerned about?
> Have you made a diksless frontend work? If os, have you any pointers to a
> good HOWTO?

My diskless frontend is working very nicely.  I boot using PXE, I found this 
in my bookmarks, though I can't remember how useful it was:


I did have to update the firmware on my Intel Pro 100 before it would work 

My biggest boot-up time problem is that the motherboard spends a long time 
wondering why there is no keyboard.  It eventually gives me the no keyboard 
error and continues on its merry way, but it takes a while.  

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