> > Anyone else out there think "fancy" TV options, like digital cable,
> > premium channels, etc, is outrageously (over) priced?
> I do. I also happen to live in a free market, and I don't subscribe
> for any of it.(OA HDTV only) You have that option as well. On a side
> note, I always wanted to do a statistically study on "fancy" TV usage
> patterns and income levels. I always found it interesting that the
> first thing people on welfare do with their checks is pay the cable
> bill. It would interesting to have numbers on what percentage of the
> welfare payout goes to the cable/satellite companies. oh well.

Well, first, HDTV isn't much of an option for me. I live in a hole of
no signal. I swear there's some force field around my block that
causes cell phones and TV signals to bounce away... Anyway, I still
want to try some over the air HD stuff, but I'm not wanting to drop
$150 on a DVB card just yet to see if I can get the 3 channels worth
of HD... I live 40mi west of Washington DC, maybe there's more digital
content than I realize, but airantenna.com or whatever it was didn't
give me too much hope for good HD signal. Oh well. I personally have
had antenna TV only in the past, in fact, I grew up with no cable
because my parents didn't see the value in it. I pretty much feel the
same way to this day. PVR's have definitely changed my TV likes and
dislikes too, now that I don't have to watch commercials anymore.

Secondly, I agree about poor people and expensive tv. I've always
wondered about it myself, and you're absolutely right. I know people
who will forgo buying necessary diapers for their children to pay
their $150/mo cable bill with high speed inet and every channel in
existence, oh, and the $5/mo PVR rent. I actually was talking to my
g/f about this not too long ago and in her social economics class
talked about this, and supposedly the main reason people are motivated
to spend so much on the TV they can't afford is a "keeping up with the
Jones's" type thing. They don't feel poor if they have every movie
channel and their kids have extreme diaper rash and smell like poop.
Go figure. I tried to tell them they could pay off their massive CC
debt if they just cancelled the cable and paid that money to the CC
compainies instead. What did they do? File bankruptcy. Sheesh. There's
a reason most poor people stay poor...
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