Goes with the territory.. Corporations have been fighting technology since
the dawn of time.. Ref: Audio Cassettes, Video Cassettes, CDs, DVDs, MP3,
and now digital video.

I can't think of any circumstance where they've won.  You can't fight the
progress of technology.  You can try, but you'll lose.  There will always
be workarounds.

On Thu, 3 Mar 2005, Neil Watson wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 10:41:31AM -0800, Geoff Scott wrote:
> >Given one of the posters thoughts, which I think are really good, how
> >about something like:
> >
> >"The Big Media Companies are about to buy you.  The Government is
> >about to sell you.  Do you want to be a digital slave?"
> >
> >or
> >
> >"Imagine a world with no fast forward buttons"
> Ultimately the broadcast flag will take away our VCRs.  VCRs will be
> phased out in favour of DVRs which, when honouring the broadcast flag,
> will be less functional.  No more time shifting.
> Ultimately, I think this law will fail.  Even if it's passed, there will
> be mass civil disobedience.  There will be a work around.  There always
> is.  People will simply buy offshore devices that shipped in brown paper
> boxes.

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