Hello everyone,

I'm facing a problem for a long time now, having done some research on
this, but never been able to find a solution:

We're monitoring a lot of redundant network hosts (routers, firewalls,
etc.) where we have to report the uptime of the whole setup, not only
the uptime of a single component.

An example:

We have routerA and routerB, that form a HA setup. If one router is
taken down, for example to update its firmware, or simply crashes, the
whole setup still should have a reported uptime of 100%.

What I've already tried is to configure a cluster service. The problem
with this approach is, that I can't distinguish in the reporting whether
the host was down or unreachable, which is another crucial number to
report, also the downtimes don't get reflected very well.

I'm running Nagios 3.2.1 with NDOutils if that matters for the question.
Is there any plugin or addon that provides this functionality?

Many thanks,

Stephan Tesch                Phone + 49 (0)7071-9457-608
science + computing ag       FAX   + 49 (0)7071-9457-511
Hagellocher Weg 73
D-72070 Tuebingen            Email: s.te...@science-computing.de

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