Stephan Tesch wrote:
> Am 20.05.2010 11:32, schrieb Assaf Flatto:
> Hello Assaf,
>> One approach is to monitor a VIP for the service (i.e. the "clustered"
>> ip of the external facing IP address of the routers) for  finding if the 
>> service is up , and the individual devices by their direct IP  for each 
>> device  activity .
>> This will give you both the business view ( if the VIP is down then the 
>> business is impacted) , and the operational view ( one device impacted ).
> This is for sure a good idea. On the other hand this would mean that we
> have to monitor another "host" and also plan for downtimes of this host,
> too. An approach where I just define the redundant hosts and get the
> report that I need would in my opinion be the better one. The data is
> all there, it just has to be evaluated. I really can't believe, that I'm
> the only one with this problem?

I don't know about your case, but what I do here if there are multiple 
devices which support a single address is put all of them in Nagios as 
Assaf mentioned. I'll then set the "real" hosts as the parents of the 
virtual one, and if things are set up that way you *don't* need to worry 
about setting downtimes for the virtual address, because it will 
automatically be marked unreachable if all of the real addresses are down.

In my case, though, I primarily want to know if the VIP is working, and 
am not quite as concerned with the individual hosts serving it (though 
those are important as well, just not as important as if the service 
they provide is available). Based on your statement that you'd "have to 
monitor another host," it sounds like knowing the state of this service 
isn't really as important to you as knowing if the individual hosts that 
serve it are working.  Frankly, that seems a bit backwards to me, but I 
don't really know your environment.


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