Stephan Tesch wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I'm facing a problem for a long time now, having done some research on
> this, but never been able to find a solution:
> We're monitoring a lot of redundant network hosts (routers, firewalls,
> etc.) where we have to report the uptime of the whole setup, not only
> the uptime of a single component.
> An example:
> We have routerA and routerB, that form a HA setup. If one router is
> taken down, for example to update its firmware, or simply crashes, the
> whole setup still should have a reported uptime of 100%.
> What I've already tried is to configure a cluster service. The problem
> with this approach is, that I can't distinguish in the reporting whether
> the host was down or unreachable, which is another crucial number to
> report, also the downtimes don't get reflected very well.
> I'm running Nagios 3.2.1 with NDOutils if that matters for the question.
> Is there any plugin or addon that provides this functionality?
> Many thanks,
> Stephan
One approach is to monitor a VIP for the service (i.e. the "clustered" 
ip of the external facing IP address of the routers) for  finding if the 
service is up , and the individual devices by their direct IP  for each 
device  activity .

This will give you both the business view ( if the VIP is down then the 
business is impacted) , and the operational view ( one device impacted ).

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