Sometimes I don't think WE realize a few things....these things have helped me 
tremendously with dealing with what I used to
feel were the "difficult clients":

1.  most of our clients have no idea that we compare them to what is a "normal 
fill client" they don't realize when they 
     need more from us, that they are really getting more from us then expect 
to give, for the prices we charge them.

2.  we get to a point that we have a hard time seeing things through their eyes 
because we've been doing nails for a while, or know 
     a lot of people that have been in this business a long time, and have 
heard the horror stories, and now look 
     at everything from a money point of view....they are either making us 
money, or costing us money

3.  because we are small time businesses (whether on commission or rental, what 
we bring in affects our paycheck), everything
     we do that is extra becomes "money out of our pocket"

Stop and think for a is our business....if someone comes every 6 
- 7 weeks, and thinks they fall into the 3 week fill category,
it is up to us to explain it to them. All we have to do is charge them whatever 
we think they should be paying, and explain to them why we are charging them 
that price. End of story.  I went through that same thing not too long ago.  I 
have a client that comes at about 8 weeks....nails very grown out....lots of 
extra work/product.  She always gave me an extra big tip so I never charged her 
more than anyone else.  Then she came once, and didn't give me the big tip.  I 
didn't know what to say, and must have had a funny look on my face, because she 
commented that her nails were in really good shape that time.  She was right, 
BUT what she didn't know was the extra product, the fact that I had to do more 
prep work, etc etc.  When I explained all that, (thankfully) she completely got 
it...and said to me, I didn't realize all that, paid me more, End of story.  I 
then told her if she was going to go that long, the price of her fills would be 
$xx.xx, and more for broken nails.  I no longer feel annoyed when she comes in, 
and she knows what to expect when she comes in.  Much like bringing your car in 
for an oil change.  We don't know, till they tell us, that we also need an air 
filter and it's going to cost $xx extra.  

I'm thankful for her and other "difficult clients", because they made me 
realize a few things....

1.  some people can go longer than 2 - 3 weeks between fills and other than the 
nails being grown out, sometimes have less 
     broken nails.  (in contrast to some clients that come every 2 weeks and 
they hardly have any growth).  as long as we shorten their
     nails every time to avoid possible damage, and their nails stay sealed, I 
wouldn't agree with someone going longer if it wasn't safe
     for their nails.

2.  sometimes we get so caught up in "our side" of the way things look, that we 
fail to see things from their point of view.  ie:  we seem
     to feel it's ok for clients to stretch their appointments if they can't 
afford every two weeks, but if they have the money, we seem to
     feel they should be spending it on their nails.  But it's not up to us to 
decide what they should spend their money on....just like
     we wouldn't want someone telling us what to spend our money on.  

3.  all we have to do is say no, when what a client is asking doesn't 
work/isn't possible.  I work with people who get annoyed when people      call 
at the last minute to see if they can get in for their nails.....but if we had 
just taken a last minute cancellation we would be thrilled        to get that 
call!  I tell never hurts to call, for every time the phone rings 
our schedules could be changing.

4.  always try to imagine things from a different point of view.  Not because 
our point of view is wrong, but because it keeps you thinking
     outside of the box.  Especially when it comes to the annoying 
stuff....being annoyed just causes stress.....try to imagine a very       
     understanding reason for the annoyance (like maybe the guy who cut you off 
in traffic is rushing to the hospital to see his child be
     born, or cuz a loved one is very sick), and all of a sudden you won't feel 
so annoyed.  

One of the coolest things I've learned from doing nails, actually has nothing 
to do with nails at all.  The coolest things I've learned from
clients (and other sources) is that what most people want is to be acknowledged 
and treated with compassion.  If only we can learn to do those things as 
beautifully as the nails we create.

Sue Mang
Louis Anthony Salon
Buffalo NY
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 06:07:38 -0800
Subject: Re: NailTech:: every 6-7 week client

You could explain to her that when she waits this long she is taking a risk of 
infection or damage from breaking her nails because they are now (top heavy) 
and breaking them very low. It also takes you longer then doing a fullset and 
it uses much more product then your reg client that comes in every two weeks 
for a fill. You could charge her extra to remove her old nails and then do a 
fullset everytime and charge her the fullset price. You need to raise your 
fullsets. I know this would be a big jump but you should at least charge $40 in 
comparison to your fill price. If you want to discount a first timer to $30 to 
get them in the door then give the client that referred her a $5 discount. That 
way you are not leaving your faithful ladies out, but on your price list have 
your fullset price set at $40 for those 6 to 7 weekers. Sorry for rambling. I 
have had these types before and it drives me crazy!
Angie Wingerter

From: Kelley Marie <>
To: NailTech <>
Sent: Tue, December 7, 2010 7:24:49 AM
Subject: Re: NailTech:: every 6-7 week client

She is reg as in she only sees me, but how regular that as you can see
is sometimes a very long time between. the thing that gets me is she
lives off the lake and drives a beautiful car and has jet skis and
boats ( yes I mean more than one) So I know money is not an issue as
with a few of my other clients. Who I understand if they stretch it
out. I am grateful to them clients because they could just stop doing
nails or go to a NSS and I would be out completely.

On Dec 7, 8:18 am, Diana Bonn <> wrote:
> Kelley, you brought back a discussion we had years ago at my salon!!
> A new client comes in for a fill, from another shop.
> Do you charge her the regular fill price and don't charge her for the
> repairs because you are trying to get a new client in?
> Then you have your regular client (use the term loosely, regular) and
> she has the same amount of repairs?
> All boils down what the meaning of your service is..."fill-in".What
> is the defenition?
> Take it from there.  diana from indiana
> At 07:56 AM 12/7/2010, you wrote:
> >Ok gals
> >I'm tired of clients who come every 6/7 weeks with at least 3 breaks
> >and expect to pay my reg fill price.
> >how do you handle this?
> >I am not expensive to begin with my 2 week fill is 22 and a 3
> >fill is 25. I have always done free repairs when you come every two
> >weeks ( and rarely have to do any).
> >If I go by my price list her fill will be 25 and each repair 2 bucks
> >so if she has 3 repairs that is 31 and my full Sets are 30.
> >need advice if you have any
> >I am posting a new price list this week for next year. and will be
> >adhering to it strickly.
> >Kelley Marie
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