Sorry, meant to send to the list...

Joel Jaeggli wrote:

Etaoin Shrdlu wrote:
I would just observe that despite once having been responsible for
several (hundred) solaris machines I did not spend yesterday worrying
about telnet vulnerabilities.

I have a Solaris 10 (x86) box sitting right beside me, and I never gave
the vuln a moment's thought. Root coming in through telnet? Please.
That's not even sanitary.

I am interested in infrastructure threats including the occasional rogue
botnet targeting the dns infrastructure. for end-systems issues I
subscribe to the lists relevant to my end-systems.

I agree absolutely about disclosure. I just don't think it belongs on
nanog. We're probably on a lot of the same lists. Rogue botnets
targeting the dns infrastructure also have their own lists (and I'm on
them, even where the s/n is positively painful).

Any commercial institution that is serious about protecting their
customers from phishing will stop sending mail marked up with HTML.

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