On Wed, 14 Feb 2007, Joel Jaeggli wrote:
> I am interested in infrastructure threats including the occasional rogue
> botnet targeting the dns infrastructure. for end-systems issues I
> subscribe to the lists relevant to my end-systems. The security industry
> appears full these days with individuals willing to be overwrought at
> the drop of a hat. Disclosure is critical, crying wolf in some
> overwrought tone every time some piece of software is reveled to have
> flaws doesn't serve anyone well though.

I honestly agree, so please allow me to pose a question:

Define infrastructure threats?
1. Your network.
2. The Internet.

I would agree botnet technology in general has no place on NANOG unless
as part of a discussion or a side-note., nor does malware technology or
how this or that virus work - UNLESS: (and there is an unless)

1. It poses a risk to the Internet itself, be it the infrastructure or a
massive part of its users.
2. It occupies the time of operational folks at ISPs.

Does that make sense?

This can be measured rather than argued.


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