Hello from a beach resort in Bali, where APRICOT, our Asia-Pacific equivalent, is having its meeting. It's being very well attended, and seems like a much nicer location than the usual set of NANOG locations.

I like the idea of having NANOG somewhere interesting.


On Mon, 26 Feb 2007, Joe Abley wrote:

Hi all,

We have had an organisation come forward with a proposal to host the Jan/Feb 2008 meeting in the Dominican Republic.

It appears that we can expect hotel costs to be quite a bit lower than than at most recent NANOG meetings (perhaps as low as $100 per night). Flights might cost a little more than they would for a mainland meeting, but non-scientific poking at the usual travel web sites doesn't seem to indicate that they would be ridiculous. The proposal we have accommodates the networking requirements of NANOG meetings.

We would be interested to hear what people think about this idea. For example:

 How would this fit with your corporate travel policies?

 Would you be more or less likely to attend a winter meeting in the
 Dominican compared to soemewhere in the US or Canada? Why?

Joe (for the SC)

Steve Gibbard                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 415 717-7842 (cell)                  +1 510 528-1035 (home)

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