On 10/8/07, Joe Provo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 12:11:17PM +0100, Stephen Wilcox wrote:
> [snip]
> > i guess it could be 'character assassination' or 'political' which
> > are both against the AUP
> [mild tangent: How can the blanket label of "political" be
> off-topic given the serious time and energy spent with both
> informed and otherwise posts about regulatory matters and
> related 'politics' that have direct bearing on Internet
> growth/deployment/operations?  fodder for another time]

[ snip ]

> If this off-topic post is getting a response, I presume others
> are as well.  Since the SC hasn't (and shouldn't be) copied
> on any private warnings, I look forward to meaningful statistics
> in ABQ.

Don't hold your breath. The only issue here is that someone was asked
to cooperate and instead, the chose to dance.

Nobody was warned. Others were contacted just like our unhappy Randy.
They were  asked to help out. Randy was asked to "show some
leadership" and the SC was cc'd to make sure that it was open and


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