[ snip, nobody cares about Telstra or the embedded baiting ]

> if it was just marty being on a piss off about me, then no big deal; i
> can handle marty (and certainly am in no position to abuse him for being
> hot-headed).

Hot-headed for what reason? Because you are off topic as usual? Not
quite. You were asked as a matter of routine task to bring yourself
together and get on topic. I'm used to your off topic posting. Hardly
a reason to become irritated.

> but if the mlc is sending undocumented and non-consensus
> reprimands, warnings, and threats to people and their perceived
> management,

Translation: The chair ran away from this screaming. Yes, I know.

Just so we're clear, you will continue to see requests to adapt to the
AUP wrt to being on topic. If you don't like that, you can certainly
seek to have me thrown off the MLC. In fact, I encourage it. :-)

In any event, there's nothing left to say. Case closed. Feel free to
continue yelling at the community meeting.


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