Jim Popovitch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Mon, 2007-10-08 at 18:46 -0400, Martin Hannigan wrote:
>> Just so we're clear, you will continue to see requests to adapt to the
>> AUP wrt to being on topic. If you don't like that, you can certainly
>> seek to have me thrown off the MLC. In fact, I encourage it. :-)
> I think that is Randy's point... he is seeing them and no one else is,
> apparently.  I've contributed nothing of worth to this discussion today,
> just some personal opinions, yet I haven't gotten a cease-or-desist nor
> warning email.

I think that the fact that no one else _on the SC_ is seeing warnings
about their conduct on the list is _extremely telling_.

At the community meeting, I will make the suggestion that the Charter
be amended to allow for the removal of SC and PC members for "conduct
unbecoming".  Not necessary for the MLC as they serve at the pleasure
of the SC anyway.


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