David Barak wrote:

--- Cat Okita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007, David Barak wrote:
I don't think the corner cases (people who get stalked, people who only have 
one name, etc) invalidate the general value of requiring that
postings to a list ostensibly devoted to professional matters be associated 
with one's name.
I think the corner cases (and preserving privacy and
separation) are
decidedly important - but it's easy to claim they're
irrelevant if you
don't happen to be one of them...

Corner cases are the ones which should be solved by
working out case-by-case solutions.

The solution worked out may have been satisfactory to you, but was decidedly painful and difficult for me. I came to my own solution, and have lived within it. Had I still been working, or otherwise continued to be in a situation where it was necessary, I'd probably have subscribed as something innocuous, via gmail. Still, as Cat said, it's a lot easier to claim they're irrelevant if you're not in that position.

Of course, I could be missing something...
        To      : David Barak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Perhaps I'm missing something here ;>  Is that your
professional email
address? *grin*

That's what I am describing: attach a real name to a
handle (much the way Etaoin Shrdlu did).
Oh, but that isn't why I did that. That change was just made today, about 6 or 7 hours ago. The original agreement had been that, for nanog, I'd put my real name in the signature, and, had I felt compelled to post to nanog, I'd have done so. However.

*My* solution for NANOG was to just quit posting, and I did. You have absolutely not seen a post from me since. I was assured that I did not need to make that effort here, since this is, after all, a meta-discussion of the mailing list, and so I've continued to post here. I continue to disagree with the policy, but am abiding by it.

The more sand has escaped from the hourglass of our life,
the clearer we should see through it.
Niccolo Machiavelli

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