On Wed, 28 Nov 2007, Martin Hannigan wrote:

> > To clarify this discussion, I'd like to point out that the bounce in
> > quesiton was from a private email from Marty to J.Oquendo.
> In response to a post from the list. Same exact thing we have setup with
> this autoresponder policy.
Please don't confuzzle things. Was it an email *to* the list or was it
private email to J.Oquendo?

It doesn't matter what it was in response *to*. Private email between list
members is not covered by AUP. In case this still isn't clear, if I send a
private email response to someone in response to their list post that
contains off-topic information, that's not the AUP violation. To insist 
that any email between list members need to comply to AUP is silly.


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