Martin Hannigan wrote:

> And the MLC didn't bother responding to either (until this). And
> probably won't respond further. Of course, my colleagues can say what
> they want, but I don't see any reason why someone can't ask for clue
> help.

We're all busy individuals, trying to earn that paycheck whilst 
providing enough value to our employers to keep the stock price up (or 
whatever).  Most of the operators on the list are at places with a help 
desk, NOC, or both; I'd suspect the rest of the operators have 
aspirations to be part of the former group.  If a question isn't 
something we'd pick up our INOC-DBA phone to "phone a friend", and would 
be something that would and should come into our respective help 
desk/NOC, shouldn't it go there?  Or maybe the SC/PC has it all wrong, 
and the answer to improving meeting attendance is to attract that other 
crowd of network operators: home network operators.

Last I heard, there were ~9,000 subscribers to this list.  Is it truly 
prudent of the list to be tech support for all the world?

All I'm asking for, and all I'm trying to generate thoughtful discussion 
about, is boundaries.


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