On Tue, Oct 05, 2010 at 09:28:31AM -0400, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> Yes, I think 'yes' is the right vote. I do have one major concern,
> but I will vote 'yes' on both issues, regardless.
> I really worry about the voter base becoming disjoint from the
> attendee base. I think meeting attendees should get a vote as a
> part of attendance.

I urge you to review my message from earlier this morning, and consider
the realities of numbers and participation.  Simple, public stats on 
the nanog site show that the vast majority of nanaog attendees don't 

year    voter   votes   voter   nanog-futures
         pool   cast    turnout  subscribers (EOY)

2005    1800+   319     <17.7%     182
2006    1800+   108     <6.0%      226
2007    1700+   183     <10.7%     289
2008    1878    202     10.7%      356
2009    1790    196     10.9%      379

Certainly one may make a claim that the non-voters are a content silent
majority, but all we know for certain is that *even* in the 2005 evolution
we had what can be best characterized as a "weak" mandate.  Since this is 
public data, I don't have the capability to correlate the voter pool and
nanog-futures subscribers, but it is clear that there is a disjoint 
between those who care enough to be on a list and those who do or can

> How this is handled is not clear, but I would like to see paying
> attendees all get to vote for any year in which they attend a
> meeting.

I'll say what I've said before; there are many possible mehcanics 
of implementation to put a member opportunity in front of people 
at meeting registration.  The key is to give them the option to 
decide if it matters to them and eliminate all the vague handwavey 
garbage we have today with voter apathy VS people who don't know 
they have a say Vs ...  Note that nothing regarding meeting mechanics 
are micromanaged in the bylaws.  Given that part of the economic 
thrust is to move from meeting-by-meeting hand-to-mouth cost 
accounting to moving to a forcastable budget, it is trivial to see 
many models which couple attendees getting incentives for membership 
opportunities (gove members get a meeting discount or always get the 
early-bird price or members get a lucnh or many other things).  None 
of those require continuing to disenfranchise non-attendees, continue 
to guess at voter apathy, nor require being put into an organization's 
bylaws.  Most fee schedules are not in the bylaws of organizations 
with which I'm familiar.

> Whatever the details, I strongly feel that the concept that meeting
> attendees must continue to be, as the old T-shirts said, "Official
> Members".

Treating the people with position/time/budget/et al resources able to 
attend a meeting as a priviledged class at the expense of just opening 
up a level field smacks me as counter any growth, outreach or educational
mission.  I do not see anything in the bylaws which preclude your desired 
end state and mine.



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