Nicole wrote:
So.. I guess we will be cranking out those H1b's...Plan to kiss your
and or jobs bye bye to some specialized cheap imported Cisco trained
networking person from China.

There is an implicit assumption here that the objective of 100% of these trainees will be to move as economic migrants to "the West". Wrong folks. Very very wrong. Notice how China as a *consumer* is growing faster than anyone else around ? While there may well be some (what's the right word ?) "retro-sourcing" of cheap labour into the US (and the EU), I suspect that once any initial levelling of the field happens, there will be just as much, if not more, movement the other way.

There is a lot of jingoistic rhetoric here, and not enough rational thought about the objective - building big networks in the biggest economy of the near future.

PS I hate *all* certification with a passion, regardless of level and including things like my BSc which was just a great excuse to drink lots for a few years. The person doing the selection of candidates should have enough expertise themselves to make a rational judgement based on a face to face interview.


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