
>What can we do as a community to ensure that this
>doesn't happen again?

I would say the best solution is for people to jump on board and volunteer
one of the tasks Scott outlined...

I think part of the problem is that it seems Scott is the only one of the
project admins that has been around for the past few weeks (months?)
devoting any real time to nant, and he's the one in the best position to do
anything (and probably the only one with permisions to actually do the final

Personally, I'm a little busy now, so that's why I've only contributed
marginally lately, but if I can do anything to speed up the process, let me
Also, consider that last time the topic came up, I said the NUnit2 support
stuff was a showstopper, and I've since fixed it (what could be fixed
without changing NUnit itself).

Tomas Restrepo

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