----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Scott Hernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Clayton Harbour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Nant-Developers (E-Mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2004 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] fileset deprecations

> +1 on co-existence, of include+includes, for a release or two, but totally
> removal by 1.0.

I agree

> As for the "strict" enforcement of only declared elements and properties
> tasks/types, I had done some work on that a long time ago. Take a look at
> the Element.AttributeConfigurator.InitilizeElement() code at the end of
> method. You will see a section that say "#region Check Tracking
> for Attribute and Element use" that emits the warnings. You could change
> those to fail with a switch.

I was also thinking about a "warnaserror" switch, similar to what the MS
compilers have ... But I'm not sure that's a good idea, as every warning
that is logged would cause a build failure, and we currently even log errors
without causing a build failure ... Guess we'll have to think about this
some more ...

It would ofcourse be great to actually output a summary at the end of the
build, something like :

Build succeeded, with 5 warnings.

> But I would suggest that you go through and run
> a lot of tests before you do this. There are still some tasks/types that
> correctly do their own <element/> process that this method may flag as
> errors. As I remember. I went through a cleanup a lot of them a year ago,
> but much has changed since then.

the NDoc task would be one of those ... I think you added a ProcessXml
property or something right ?


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