This was posted to the users group originally

sorry :)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rory Becker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Aug 25, 2005 12:48 PM
Subject: Filesets referencing filesets ?
To: nantList <>

I would like to alter fileset so that it could reference multiple
other filesets but I am not sure where to start.

The syntax has been stolen from a post I read

and is as follows

<fileset id="Group1">
      <include name="File1.dll" />
      <include name="File2.dll" />
<fileset id="Group2">
      <include name="File3.dll" />
      <include name="File4.dll" />
      <includeFileset refid="Group1" />
      <includeFileset refid="Group2" />

I have found the fileset Class in Nant.Core and I figured I needed to
determine how to use the refid syntax.

So I looked for another class that already does this.

The CopyTask seems to provide this but I cannot find anything in the
source to indicate how this is handled.

Can anyone help?



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