> I would definitely like the ability to combine filesets, personally...
> it places less onus on the task creator to add explicit 
> support to reference files in different locations.
> I think that it is critical to support merging filesets with 
> different basedirs, given this is probably the most requested 
> feature for some tasks, such as the <zip> task - create a zip 
> including files from different folders... the path to the 
> file from the basedir is very important when determining the 
> retained path in the zip.

Ok, lets discuss that on "test-case" example:

        <fileset id="foo1" basedir=".">
                <include name="world.peace" />
                <include name="*.war" />
        <fileset id="foo2" basedir="..\t2\">
                <includesfileset refid="foo1" />
                <include name="reefer.saddness" />
                <include name="*.war" />

both dirs includes 3 files:

What should Scan() on foo2 return? It always returns full pathnames so I'd
expect simply:

Not very handy for <zip> task, I think... Perhaps <zip> is better with
filesetcollection (each with different basedir) as it is in current design.
Some better ideas?

> Regarding includes/excludes conflicts, I think it would make 
> the most sense (ie- least support queries) to offer both:
> Logical intersection of two filesets - include all files 
> referenced in each fileset, regardless if that file is 
> excluded by the other
> fileset:
> <fileset>
>   <include fileset="fileset1"/>
>   <include fileset="fileset2"/>
> </fileset>

> Logical subtraction of two filesets - include those files in 
> fileset1 that are not in fileset2:
> <fileset>
>   <include fileset="fileset1"/>
>   <exclude fileset="fileset2"/>
> </fileset>
> I'm not convinced it makes sense to include logical 
> intersection of two filesets.
> Regarding determining "hits" between the contents of filesets 
> for subtraction, I would suggest comparison based on path to 
> the file relative to the containing fileset's basedir... so 
> the file /a/b/c/d with a basedir of /a/b and the file 
> /x/y/z/c/d with a basedir of /x/y/z would have the same relative path.
First could be easy. For exclusion, we could compare full referenced
(scanned) filenames.

But what if I do this:
   <include fileset="foo1"/>
   <exclude name="*.war"/>

Should be "c:\foo\t1\world.war" excluded from result fileset. What if
basedir differs?

Any ideas are welcomed (as always :-)

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