Hi guys,

Now that 0.91 final is out the door, I would like to start discussing
what items to work on in both NAnt/NAntContrib.  Attached is an html
file of an outline I put together with thoughts about next steps I
have had for months (I put it in an attachment just in case your email
viewers don't handle html emails).  I tried to include items that have
been discussed in past emails.  All of these items affect both
NAnt/NAntContrib unless specified otherwise.

One of the things that has been on my mind for months is moving NAnt
off of cvs.  When I polled that decision some time ago, the general
consensus was that any move away from cvs would be a step up.  My
personal feeling is to move from cvs to git or hg to because it is
more easy for me to work with than cvs.  The first item in my list
compares the two more popular repo sites out there.  I am partial to
github.com because I have been using it alot lately for other things
(working on the Boo language project for example) but I would like to
hear other thoughts.  I have been experimenting with converting cvs to
git with a good degree of success (all history, tags, and branches
come through) but I am sure further tweeking will be necessary.

A side note, when 0.91 final was released, I wasn't sure what the next
version of NAnt we would be targeting so I just set it to 0.92.  This
can be discussed further if need be.

Looking forward to hearing your feedback.

  1. High Priority (items that should be addressed first)
    • Options for moving away from CVS
      • Sourceforge's repository options seem limited, including types and abilities.  I think it would be best to move the source to a new place better suited for code maintenance, storage, and reviewing.
        • No plans on moving any other services at this time.
      • Two places that seem most appropriate
        • Moving the repo to github.com
          • Primary dvcs is Git
          • Used by other projects that use/contributed to NAnt
            • Mono
            • Boo
            • Monobjc
          • Better integrated issue tracking/code review features
            • Email services
            • Twitter integration
            • TeamCity integration
            • Etc
        • Moving the repo to bitbucket.org
          • Available types are Mercurial and Git
    • Drop .Net/Mono 1.* runtime support
      • target support will remain
  2. Medium (normal) Priority
    • Move <trycatch> and <choose> tasks from NAntContrib to NAnt
    • Rework/enhance subversion tasks in NAntContrib
    • Add Git and Mecurial source control tasks to NAntContrib
    • Update <nunit2> task to use NUnit 2.5.10 (or whatever is latest)
      • NUnit 2.5 should now work on both mono & .NET
    • Look into NMake replacement
      • NMake is old and does not seem to be active anymore
      • Possible replacement could be a batch or PowerShell script
    • Look into NDoc replacement
      • NDoc has not been maintained in years and has issues with .net 4.0 (workaround for NAnt is currently in place)
      • NDoc3, Sandcastle, and monodic could be viable options
    • Add a sandcastle task to NAntContrib
      • Would probably require work on NAntContrib's <msbuild> task
    • Add equivalent to Ant's <mapper> type
    • Add simplified syntax to <move> task to move directories. Like Ant's <move> task.
    • Evaluate backend log solutions (unless activity in the log4net project resumes soon)
  3. Low Priority (Nice to haves)
    • Website updates
      • It would be nice to revamp the website layout with an updated look and feel
    • Logo update
      • Like the website, the logo could use a face lift as well.
    • Look into building NAnt plugin for
      • Monodevelop
      • VS.NET (through Nuget?)
    • Move to Apache or BSD type license
      • This was copied from NAnt's original release plan
      • Not sure of feasibility
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