On 2011-10-26, Ryan Boggs wrote:

> Now that 0.91 final is out the door, I would like to start discussing
> what items to work on in both NAnt/NAntContrib.  Attached is an html
> file of an outline I put together with thoughts about next steps I
> have had for months (I put it in an attachment just in case your email
> viewers don't handle html emails).

Jumping in at some random point and as somebody who has a strong Ant
background but doesn't really know NAnt as good as I should.

I can't say much about your choice of SCM.  Why do you feel
Sourceforge's git offering was insufficient - this is an honest question
as I may be thinking about moving XMLUnit to a different SCM myself
(currently using svn at Sourceforge).

We'll be polling log4net's users about platform support soon.  I also
feel you are safe to require 2.0 at runtime as long as you keep 1.x as

When I worked on the log4net release I cursed NAnt's lack of a <mapper>
so a big +1 for this.  I also miss <macrodef>.  Badly.

Have you seen the 1.2.11 release of log4net of about two weeks ago? ;-)


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