
On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 12:21 PM, Rob Richardson <erobr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'll avoid the >athon and just reply at the top.
> +1 on git and github.  That's more-or-less the lingua franca of 
> open-source now-a-days.  Being able to accept pull
> requests would be awesome!  Once it's
> there, I've got a heap ton of pull requests I'd love to hand off.  To that 
> end, we should consider a <git>
> task in NAnt, and consider moving <cvs> to NAntContrib.
Nice, another plus 1.
My thinking was to move both NAnt/NAntContrib to a non-CVS repo at the
same time.  Hopefully, this process will bring the projects closer
together in scope so we don't have a lag on one side or another.
> I'd like to see <nunit2>
> either get to 2.5.10 or spun off as a separate project.  I had to resort to 
> <exec> to get 2.5.10
> working as well.  Many SF patches / posts
> have upgraded the task throughout the years, but it's never gotten pulled 
> into the trunk.  If NAnt's cadence is going to be anywhere
> near previous precedent, <nunit2> has to move separately to remain relevant.
My goal is to get it to the latest version, which is 2.5.10 I believe.
 Like I stated in a previous email today, I couldn't get to it during
0.91 development because of the amount of effort needed to update NAnt
to use the new NUnit API.
> I'd like to also throw in my
> vote to get <msbuild> moved from NAntContrib to NAnt.  The <solution> task 
> hasn't worked for
> me in 5 years, and thus <msbuild> has really become an essential part of
> NAnt.  (Towards the goals of NAnt 2.5, we could shim <solution> to use 
> <msbuild> for VS 2005+ projects/solutions.)  Tangentially related, if we used 
> the
> <msbuild> task to build NAnt, we could easily get "Any CPU"
> mode -- a result not currently available in the NAnt release package.
IIRC, the <msbuild> task needs some more effort before being ported
over.  I know there was work done around VS.NET/msbuild during the
0.91 release cycle but I am not sure how much of that effort related
to the NAntContrib <msbuild> task.

I was planning on approaching this now anyway.  One of the things I
would like to work on is some kind of sandcastle task for doc building
but it would probably have to rely on that <msbuild> task.
> +1 on moving to .net 2 and
> generics, and a standard #define net_4 release would also be awesome.
I thought we had the net_4.0 preprocessing tag in NAnt already, unless
I am misunderstanding you here.
> How can I help?
Love the enthusiasm! :) Speak up and be heard.  I try to read these
messages as much as I can so any input/advice/suggestions you or
anyone else may have, please chime in.  We welcome it. :)

I'm hoping to get a more up-to-date contribution guide going once we
make a decision on the cvs repo situation.  I'll post it once we get
there. :)

> Rob
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