On 2011-10-26, Ryan Boggs wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 26, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Stefan Bodewig
> <stefan.bode...@freenet.de> wrote:

>> Why do you feel Sourceforge's git offering was insufficient - this is
>> an honest question as I may be thinking about moving XMLUnit to a
>> different SCM myself (currently using svn at Sourceforge).

> It just doesn't feel like there is alot of effort on the repo side in
> terms of code reviews and other tools that sites like github have.

Understood, thanks.

>> When I worked on the log4net release I cursed NAnt's lack of a <mapper>
>> so a big +1 for this.  I also miss <macrodef>.  Badly.
> I should add <macrodef> too, eh?

This may be my Ant bias.  log4net's build file is a big mess of
copy-paste and I think macrodef would help, but maybe there is a
NAnt-idiomatic way of fixing that without macrodef.  It looks as if
"call"ing a target is something you'd do more lightly and more often in
NAnt than in Ant.

> It took me awhile to get NAnt to use log4net 1.2.10 because of
> sharpcvslib's dependency on log4net 1.2.9.  Since I was recently
> granted commit access to that project, I could see if I could upgrade
> the dependency in both projects.

Binding redirects?  I don't think we've made API changes that would
cause trouble otherwise.

Of course, if you can change the dependency then switching to 1.2.11 -
and to the "new" strong name key - would probably be better.


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