Am 29.11.12 20:24, schrieb Jeff Rogers:
> Hi Gustaf,
> One quick idea on the writer thread is to, regardless of size always 
> make one write attempt in the conn thread, and if less than the 
> complete buffer was written, then pass the remainder off to the writer 
> thread. This would get the best of both worlds - fast/small requests 
> don't incur the overhead of moving the duplicating the buffers, while 
> large/slow requests wouldn't block the conn thread.
yes, that might be interesting to investigate as well. one has to 
differentiation between synchronous and asynchronous drivers and between 
file-deliveries and string-deliveries, etc. so in the general case, it 
might be some more work. However, i am still in the process to clean up 
and address some strange interactions (e.g. for nsssl some socket 
closing interactions between driver and connection threads seems to 
complex to me), so i am still for a while busy with that. i hope, that i 
don't create too much collateral damage and let you know, when the new 
stuff is stabilized...

-gustaf neumann

Univ.Prof. Dr. Gustaf Neumann
Institute of Information Systems and New Media
WU Vienna
Augasse 2-6, A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA

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