On Tue, Dec 4, 2012 at 10:55 PM, Gustaf Neumann <neum...@wu.ac.at> wrote:
> The code in naviserver-connthreadqueue handles already read-aheads with SSL.
> i have removed there these hacks already; i think, these were in part
> responsible for the sometimes erratic response times with SSL.

Well, I think the thing here is one-upon-a-time SSL was considered
computationally expensive (I don't know if it still is, with recent
Intel cpus having dedicated AES instructions etc.). Read-ahead is good
because you don't want an expensive conn thread waiting around for the
whole request to arrive, packet by packet. But with SSL the single
driver thread will be decrypting read-ahead data for multiple sockets
and may run out of cpu, stalling the request pipeline, starving the
conn threads. By making the SSL driver thread non-async you lose out
on read-ahead as that all happens on the conn thread, but you gain cpu
resources on a multi-cpu system (all of them, today). AOLserver 4.5
added a pool of read-ahead threads, one per-socket IIRC, to keep the
benefits of read-ahead while gaining cpu parallelism.

- does a single driver thread have enough computational resources to
decrypt all sockets currently in read-ahead? This is going to depend
on the algorithm. Might want to favour AES if you know your cpu has
- which is worse, losing read-ahead, or losing cpu-parallelism?
- if a read-ahead thread-pool is added, should it be one thread
per-socket, which is simple, or one thread per-cpu and some kind of
balancing mechanism?

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