On Jan 11, 4:32 am, Mimewar <mime...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm pretty familiar with BASIC, and I know it has it's limitations.  I
> know C is VERY popular, and very useful as well.  For the programmers
> in here, as far as microcontrollers go, what language do you prefer,
> and can you suggest a good way to start learning said language?
> Thanks
> Shane

Hello Shane,
I started out learning assembler about 10 years ago on a limited
instruction set device, the pic micro, which had only 33 key words to

I've since moved to picBasic (pro version) as my sketchpad for drawing
up the program structure, for expression evaluation, and because you
get immediate access to data structures which you can move around and
add to freely.

I still use a lot of assembly code in the timing critical sections
mainly, and where I need to run concurrent hardware tasks, such as
serial data reception with ADC reads and PWM output control, because
assembly access to interrupts gives you absolute control, which a
higher level language can't always give you.

I learned C at university about 5 years ago. I used it once for an
assignment to build a fuzzy logic environment controller with 4
variables and haven't touched it since, having to end each line with a
semi colon felt like a step backwards.(I recall only a couple of
exceptions to that rule). I wouldn't class C as a low level language,
I have seen teh term 'mid level' used to describe it in engineering
journals and I tend to agree with that.

anyway, there are plenty of online tutorials for most languages so you
are not short of resources. There is sometimes a feeling that basic
spoils the mind when it comes to programming, but I would only agree
completely with that if the person doing the programming has no idea
about what, or how, the language is doing with respect to the internal
registers of the device. If I know what I would like to do in
assembler but prefer the ease of use of a higher level language all I
have done is save myself some time in typing out the instructions. My
knowledge of what I am doing remains the same.

I appreciate that this limits me too, because C is supposed to be
portable and therefore if I write C routines for Atmel, Motorola or
Microchip pics I don't need to rewrite it for each version. i do need
a different compiler and possibly programmer too though.

As far as preference goes, a clock is a simple thing, it probably
doesn't matter a great deal. Yoiu might be better just starting with
what you have and working until you find the limitations and then work
to see if you can negate them. the mental excercise is the same and
the programming lessons you will learn will definitely transpose to
other languages too.


C used to be considered high level but nowadays it is more like a mid
level language.

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