I think that the arduino is a good place to start as well. Its language for the sketches can best be described as "C like". I program in C for my preference and have for the last 20 years, the arduino language looks very familiar to me (so therefore, real C will look very familiar to _you_ after learning to program the arduino). I think that Chris's approach to programming is fairly common with microcontrollers. Having the ability to program the fiddly bits with inline assembler while writing the rest of the software in a high level language gives you all of the power of assembly without the tedious hassle. As for C being more portable.. I'm not sure about that. Assembly is going to be very non-portable between different architectures and any high level language will be _more_ portable. That is to say, your algorithms will port but your I/O interface code will mostly not. I think that the best advantage of the arduino is that all of the fiddly I/O stuff has already been done for you and has been placed into community maintained libraries. You want to add SD Card support? You can simply download the SD Card interface library and have at it.. You won't need to spend time with your nose buried in the SD Card reference datasheet trying to figure out just how long to pull this line high before the other one needs to go low in order to write a bit. :)


On 1/11/2012 5:36 AM, Joe Croft wrote:
Hi Shane,

With the Arduino you can start learning the basics of C++. It amazed me too when I found you can wirte ina language that I used on desktop and servers for years on a processor with 2K of RAM (ATMega328P). C++ is a nice language in that it will let you use modern concepts such as object orientaion but still has the simplicity and power of C. The Arduino environment simplifies it considerably though you can move away from it with only a little effort when you out grow it.

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