I haven't run them yet on elevated currents, I'll give that a try
later on. At the moment it is easier to just replace the tube and give
it a mark.

I also have 1 tube that shows another interesting phenomena. I can
light up the decimal point with any digit except number 1. The decimal
point fades to almost invisible when I light digit 1, while with all
others it shows just fine. I find it particularly strange because
digit 1 is I think the furthest digit away from the decimal point.


On Dec 9, 5:56 am, Quixotic Nixotic <nixci...@jsdesign.co.uk> wrote:
> On 8 Dec 2012, at 15:58, threeneurons wrote:
> > "Sleeping Sickness". A form of cathode poisoning, from not being powered 
> > for some time. It appears that sitting idle for too long, effects the 
> > surface of the metal cathodes. This effects the work function, and they 
> > light up, unevenly. Its a problem for all cold cathode tubes. Did you run 
> > them for a few hours, or so, at elevated current ? This usually cures the 
> > problem. But not always.
> I have today run a pair of new Burroughs B5092 round top view jobbies and 
> they both had cathodes that refused to light. In one or two cases the legs 
> would glow instead of the digit. A couple of digits looked plain dead. After 
> poking about lighting various digits they have all woken up and started to 
> fire normally, which is a relief. Trying to fire them later they were again 
> sluggish for the first few attempts to light. I am sure they will start 
> behaving better once they are run in.
> John S

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