That's basically what I use in my designs. I'll highlight the differences:

   - I use a PMOS instead of PNP, mainly because it requires no 
   - R1 & R2 are replaced with a pot to make the current adjustable.
   - The above pot can driven from a small DC-DC converter (my preference), 
   or between the HV supply & GND. There's essentially zero current for PMOS 
   gate-drive, so high resistance values are fine. Not the case with PNP, 
   though, due to finite base-currrent.
   - A zener diode is added to clamp any spikes that may arise at the gate 
   of the PMOS device. It's a paranoia item.
   - A filter cap was added, in case there is unexpected noise from the DC 
   DC converter, and also to suppress any very-short transient that may arise 
   that are too fast for the zener to kick-in. (paranoia item).
   - A large resistor across the PMOS to bleed any potential ESD. Without 
   it, there is a remote possibility of charge-buildup. (paranoia item)

So, this circuit is replicated for each anode. When multiple anodes are 
driven, they all share the same gate-drive signal, which I call PDRV on the 
attached schematic.

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