Assuming you have high-enough HV power-supply headroom for the nixies (180V 
or more), the choice for the resistor begins with the isolated power 
supply; I chose 12V because there are a lot of small, efficient DC-DC 
converters that provide 12V. You can use other values, but be careful to 
stay below the rated Vgs(max). 

Next, you want some adjustment range for the anode current. I set the 
nominal gate voltage at 10V. That gives +/- 2V of range to adjust the anode 
current without changing resistors.

Next, from the datasheet, you need to find Vgs(on) for the MOSFET. It's 
usually plotted on a curve. For the FQD7P20TM that I use, it's about 4V 
(see the transfer characteristics curve).

Next, you need the target anode current. For a Burroughs 5092, it's 2.2mA.

The voltage-drop across the resistor is 10V - Vgs(on); in this case, it's 
6V. Now you can solve for the resistor value:
   R=V/I    = 6/0.0022   = 2727 ohms. The nearest standard value = 2.7K.

Sanity-check the power in the resistor: P=I^2R; in this case,  P=13mW, so 
even with tiny surface-mount devices you are fine.

You should also sanity-check the PMOS transistor worst-case power 
dissipation. Assume a ridiculously low nixie voltage of 125V. The voltage 
across the PMOS is Supply_voltage - Nixie_voltage - Resistor_voltage = 

PMOS power = Max voltage * typical current = 69*0.0022 = 150mW.

This device has a Theta j-a of 110C/W, so the temp-rise = 110*0.15 = 17 
degrees. Plenty of margin here.

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