Hey Jens...

1). Don't call it VU unless you match the actual ballistics of the ORIGINAL VU 

2). Europe tends to use a PPM [quasi-peak] system.  Peak Program Meter.

3). Consumer and pro levels are very different. They are often misunderstood 
and hence mounds of garbage appear on the web.

4). dB is a ratio and a reference must be stated. Thus you must choose what 
reference your 0VU is.

5). Your headphone out MIGHT be the Line Out. There are [quite a few] standards 
for Line Level.

6]. A useful fact relates to the maximum level that can be digitally encoded. A 
CD can produce a certain maximum digital value. That gets converted to some 
analogue value. You can work empirically by using [say] standard test tones 
from the web OR an audio program like Audacity to produce known digital levels. 
  0 dBFS is the max level... BUT there can be output results higher than this 
[long topic], so work on using either -0.3dB or even -3dB below (or do I mean 
over?  Semantics ) this as maximum.

7). In "recent" years the "loudness wars" and misuse of Digital Audio 
Workstations has resulted in CDs and digital audio having bugger-all dynamic 
range. Magnetic tape was automatically a limiter [curved]. People using digital 
should be working [say]20dB down from max.... but the signal level looks so 
tiny to them in "oscilloscope" mode. They think that they are getting better 
results by working "hot" and getting the best sig/noise ratios. Their loss of 
dynamic range is not a good outcome. I mention this because it DOES relate to 
the choice of 0 dB[ref].
BTW.. some digital audio actually clips! The master has too much dynamic range 
for the "cutting" [vinyl, cd , web etc] engineer. He wants it to sound HOTTER. 

8). Talking the voltage levels. The term dBU refers to a bridging voltage 
measurement. These days you definitely do NOT want to try expecting 600 ohm 
impedances. The "usual" outputs are these days exceptionally low... eg way 
under 20 ohms. This way you can feed a great number of inputs from one output. 
Big topic. The problems start here for your question. Many consumer outputs 
place a series resistor for protection purposes. This doesn't affect Bridging 
(high Z meter) readings much, BUT the input impedance of the loads does. And 
the number of such loads connected. 
There are many manufacturers who conform to certain industry standards, and 
many more who don't.

9). Read Bob Katz book Mastering Audio. Downloadable, although I didn't check 
which editions. I use 2nd edit for recording because I do not do web stuff. His 
later edition(s) cover the "modern" approach.  [read Amateur Fiddling for 
modern   :-))   ]

10). I suspect that the most useful meter for your purposes is one which 
relates well to the maximum signal level and has fast response. BUT VU is so 
averaged and hence slow. There are many so-called VU that are fast reacting and 
hence display peaks. And be careful of the definitions here when you see rms 
stated. As David said, work with peak voltages that you can see on a scope.  
This is where you need to start looking at the Orban meters. I haven't checked 
but they were downloadable. Apart from the damping factor for Peak, his special 
meters that relate to perception are interesting. He covers the standards for 
TV advertising versus program content. And that leads to discussions of 
loudness [not volume].
Reminder... VU can ONLY be used when the meter has the defined ballistics. See 
the BTSJ papers from the 1940s iirc. And the original meter HAD/HAS to have the 
attenuator incorporated. The use of the meter without recognising the lack of 
sensitivity led to the actual zero level of +4dBm. The original switched 
attenuator had zero attenuation in the 4 position. It takes +4dBm to drive the 
meter to the zero indication. Big topic too. Watch out for web misinformation. 
You can check my version by referring to the papers. I can not [easily] access 
all my digital archives at present  so I am not providing full details.

11). As David implied... I think you will need a sensitivity adjustment. Users 
can calibrate the zero to represent whatever they want. The meter 
characteristic/ballistic HAS to be known by a serious user. There are examples 
on the web. 
Whatever you do has to provide for the whole audio chain.. there has to be 
headroom everywhere so that there is no clipping.

12). Here is a typical online statement - this one form Audio Technica :-

"Line level refers to the typical level (strength or amplitude) of the audio 
signal from mixers, signal-processing equipment and other consumer and 
professional audio gear. There are two line level types: consumer and 
professional. Consumer line level is generally thought of as a signal whose 
level is at -10 dBV (0.316). CD players and DVD players are examples of 
consumer line level equipment. Professional line level is generally thought of 
as a signal whose level is at +4 dBu (1.23 volts or significantly higher). 
Signal-processing equipment and professional mixing consoles are examples of 
professional line level equipment."

Done quickly, apologies for errors and omissions,
John Kaesehagen

-----Original Message-----
From: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com [mailto:neonixie-l@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of jb-electronics
Sent: Thursday, 28 March 2019 11:42
To: neonixie-l@googlegroups.com
Subject: [neonixie-l] OT: audio levels

Hello Nixie friends,    

I am thinking of building a simple all-in-one VU meter using a microcontroller 
to visualize the audio signal on a headphone line (say, I feed the headphone 
output of my PC to my circuit, and then I install a pass-thru to connect to my 

What is the typical voltage amplitude I should expect? I do realize this 
question is quite general, but perhaps you can point me in the right direction? 
Many thanks!

Best wishes

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