On Mon, Jun 14, 2021 at 11:04 PM j <j...@xxn.org.uk> wrote:

> like many its one of the only lists I browse, occasionally with eyes
> bigger than brain, but never cursory


Have also been thunking lately if there might be interest in having some FF
gatherings/get-togethers in VR, or in an online space?

Wadda we think?


adelante! jonathan
> On 14/6/21 10:48 pm, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who already posted on this thread <3  <3  <3
> For those that missed the discussion...
> *We are proposing a Netbehaviour renewal process:*
> Over a 1 month period starting now (14th June 2021)
> We invite all subscribers to do one of 3 things
> 1. Make a post on any topic or responding to anyone else's post
> 2. Send an email with "Happy Lurker" in the subject header (to the list or
> privately to me - if you prefer to remain incognito)
> 3. Do nothing.
> At the end of this time, moderators will
> 1. gather a list of everyone who posted
> 2. update subscribers on the proposal to unsubscribing everyone who hasn't
> posted and depending on what we all decide
> 3. unsubscribe everyone who we haven't heard from/ or do something else.
> In this way, we will get to know new people a little, and be able to
> better see ourselves collectively. There may be a bunch of people who
> prefer to go un-announced (that's fine too). If they are really keen but
> prefer not to send an email saying so they can always resubscribe.
> ========================
> On Sat, Jun 12, 2021 at 8:00 PM James <jwm.art....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sat, 12 Jun 2021 at 15:05, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour <
>> netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
>>> Finally, I would be curious to hear your feelings about this proposal
>>> for list renewal.
>>> =======================
>>> Over a 1 month period starting xxx
>>> We invite all subscribers to do one of 3 things
>>> 1. Make a post on any topic or responding to anyone else's post
>>> 2. Send an email with "Happy Lurker" in the subject header
>>> 3. Do nothing.
>>> At the end of this time, moderators could
>>> 1. gather a list of everyone who posted
>>> 2. unsubscribe everyone else.
>>> In this way we will know who we are, we will be able to see ourselves
>>> collectively and know who is in the woods.
>>> This is something we can do intermittently.
>>> ========================
>>> If you all love, hate or have alternative suggestions to this idea I'd
>>> love to know.
>> Hi Ruth,
>> The invitation to post on any topic and/or respond to another post is a
>> good one to open up discussion to broader topics.
>> When I was more active on here I always took "networked distributed
>> creativity" as something allowing me to post, but deliberately reading it
>> as 'network distributed' rather than 'networked & distributed' - I'm quite
>> useless at networking be it technologically, or socially and professionally.
>> Creativity was to me always the thread weaving through it all - but I
>> manage to see that thread pretty much in all aspects of my life however
>> tenuously connected to the arts that may be - which is something I'm
>> interested in posting about.
>> Cheers
>> James.
> --
> Ruth Catlow
> she/her
> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts
> Lab
> +44 (0) 77370 02879
> *I will only agree to speak at events that are racially and gender
> balanced.
> **sending thanks
> <https://www.ovoenergy.com/ovo-newsroom/press-releases/2019/november/think-before-you-thank-if-every-brit-sent-one-less-thank-you-email-a-day-we-would-save-16433-tonnes-of-carbon-a-year-the-same-as-81152-flights-to-madrid.html>
>  in
> advance
> *Furtherfield *disrupts and democratises art and technology through 
> exhibitions,
> labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking.
> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
> *DECAL* Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0
> technologies research hub
> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now.
> decal.is <http://www.decal.is>
> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee
> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205.
> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane, London,
> EC1A 9ET.
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> NetBehaviour mailing 
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> NetBehaviour mailing list
> NetBehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org
> https://lists.netbehaviour.org/mailman/listinfo/netbehaviour

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