Happy Lurker agrees.

nathaniel stern

> On Jun 12, 2021, at 9:03 AM, Ruth Catlow via NetBehaviour 
> <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:
> Dear everyone,
> Thanks so much for helping me to work through some of my niggles with the 
> list. I now have a much better sense of what its value is to some of us at 
> the fireside and a few of the people from the woods. I've also been greatly 
> enjoying the recent exchanges!
> I also found Adam's email beautiful. Especially personally resonant because I 
> lived for a year in Penryn unaware of the history of the Ordinalia there. I 
> find the format of passion plays - "acts" of faith "performed" by people in 
> the places where they belong - enthralling.Thanks for that Adam!
> Annie's response was also really helpful for me. The revolutionary impulse of 
> the early media art initiatives that interested me was tied up with 
> infrastructural critique and a desire to create a new art context together. 
> This revolved around efforts to create open access, and co-ownership of the 
> media and platforms we needed for collaboration. Bringing together FLOSS and 
> Art. There is still a lot of inspiring work in this area Constant 
> https://constantvzw.org/ <https://constantvzw.org/> for example. 
> While I "get" the Occupy vibe here, it doesn't feel so useful as an analogy 
> for this list/community as it stands at the moment. Occupy's central 
> commitment was to participatory democracy. The location of occupations were 
> chosen for their symbolic significance to state-corporate capitalism, right? 
> I guess we could think of this list as a prefigurative community resisting 
> corporate platforms (I share everyone's love of this as an advertising-free 
> space). But I detect less interest among this group in the question of how 
> bottom-up decisions should be made to ensure fair distribution of power, and 
> how that might in turn lead to the overthrow of capitalism. Occupy activists 
> developed social technologies (some digital platforms, some gestures and 
> techniques for use in large groups of people gathered physically) to make ALL 
> the decisions together about all the things - from collective vision to 
> organising waste-disposal. It's more emergent here.
> If we can agree that Commons are "shared cultural or material resources 
> managed by communities for individual and collective benefit" then maybe this 
> is what we have been working out here over the last couple of weeks and 
> Netbehaviour is a kind of commons. If we can agree that we (all subscribers) 
> collectively own this place, and are willing to reflect on this occasionally 
> - that's more than enough for me. We can stay with furtherfield legacy 
> infrastructure and near-zero moderation by Marc and me for now (if that suits 
> everyone).
> Finally, I would be curious to hear your feelings about this proposal for 
> list renewal.
> =======================
> Over a 1 month period starting xxx
> We invite all subscribers to do one of 3 things
> 1. Make a post on any topic or responding to anyone else's post
> 2. Send an email with "Happy Lurker" in the subject header
> 3. Do nothing.
> At the end of this time, moderators could 
> 1. gather a list of everyone who posted
> 2. unsubscribe everyone else.
> In this way we will know who we are, we will be able to see ourselves 
> collectively and know who is in the woods.
> This is something we can do intermittently.
> ========================
> If you all love, hate or have alternative suggestions to this idea I'd love 
> to know.
> warmly
> Ruth
> -- 
> Ruth Catlow 
> she/her
> Co-founder & Artistic director of Furtherfield & DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab
> +44 (0) 77370 02879 
> *I will only agree to speak at events that are racially and gender balanced. 
> **sending thanks 
> <https://www.ovoenergy.com/ovo-newsroom/press-releases/2019/november/think-before-you-thank-if-every-brit-sent-one-less-thank-you-email-a-day-we-would-save-16433-tonnes-of-carbon-a-year-the-same-as-81152-flights-to-madrid.html>
>  in advance
> Furtherfield disrupts and democratises art and technology through 
> exhibitions, labs & debate, for deep exploration, open tools & free thinking. 
> furtherfield.org <http://www.furtherfield.org/>
> DECAL Decentralised Arts Lab is an arts, blockchain & web 3.0 technologies 
> research hub 
> for fairer, more dynamic & connected cultural ecologies & economies now. 
> decal.is <http://www.decal.is/>
> Furtherfield is a Not-for-Profit Company Limited by Guarantee 
> Registered in England and Wales under the Company No.7005205. 
> Registered business address: Carbon Accountancy, 80-83 Long Lane, London, 
> EC1A 9ET.
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