I agree - Alan your posts are an absolute pleasure and I understand the
importance of posting often to the list, to show your ideas, work in
progress, to get feedback and appreciation, and hopefully trigger ideas in
other people, amongst other reasons.

I see this place as a community which shares interests and work, and helps
each other to go forward creatively, and you are hugely important to this

I know how it feels when I post something and I get no response. It's not
that I want praise particularly, I just want to share things when I've made
them. But the nature of the list is that often people dont see the work,
they miss it, or it doesn't make an impression. It doesn't matter I think.

Anyway, I look forward to your posts, so please keep them coming!


On 27 March 2011 22:06, Michael Szpakowski <szp...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Alan - please don't concern yourself *one jot* about how much you post.
> The more the better It's not as if the list can only sustain a certain
> number of posts!
> warmest wishes
> michael
> --- On *Sun, 3/27/11, Alan Sondheim <sondh...@panix.com>* wrote:
> From: Alan Sondheim <sondh...@panix.com>
> Subject: [NetBehaviour] designer's abject revenge (and message re posting)
> To: netbehaviour@netbehaviour.org
> Date: Sunday, March 27, 2011, 10:00 PM
> designer's abject revenge
> http://www.alansondheim.org/libya.mov (takes a minute to load)
> first it appeared wounded or blown apart,
> then almost cartoon-like but sutured together
> or trying to re-establish itself as life,
> whatever that might be, covering up the mesh,
> or skeins, or even nodes, it was hard to tell,
> there had to be something to it, something
> that had the scent of permanency or perhaps
> a permanent odor, as blood and bruises
> tend to go the spectral length, running from
> one liquid color to another
> (I've been clearly posting too much and will cut back to at most one a day
> -
> apologies. My work has been mainly online of course, but I feel I've gotten
> a
> bit out of control. It's been a hard past few months (but that's no excuse
> etc.).)
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