Andy Bierman <> writes:

> On Mon, Jun 8, 2015 at 8:39 AM, Kent Watsen <> wrote:
>>>I think the two leafs are coupled through the path statement and so the
>>>values of both should conform to the same type. If I extend BalazsĀ¹
>>>example with uint8 and 1..10 range:
>>>1. Would a leafref value of 256 be acceptable?
>>>2. How about "foo"?
>> I agree it doesn't makes sense, but is the configuration invalid?
>> The leafref is marked require-instance=false, it just means a matching
>> condition will never succeed.
> If require-instance = false then the node must conform to
> the data type for the leaf.  This means the typedef used
> in the implemented version.
>> Would a configuration be invalid if a "when" expression could never
>> evaluate to true?
> The node would never appear in a configuration.
> A must-stmt then is always false would make the config invalid.

What's actually relevant to the subject of this thread (and supports
Kent's point somewhat) is this example:

leaf foo {
  type uint8;
  must ". <= 10";
leaf bar {
  type leafref {
    require-instance false;
    path "../foo";

Should <bar>20</bar> be flagged as invalid? IMO no. At first sight it
looks exactly like Balazs' example but in fact it is different - if
there is no "foo", the must expression doesn't apply.


>> Kent
> Andy
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