Hi all,

There is some discussion below about the difference between perfectly async 
(reply to the <commit> as soon as possible) vs hybrid.

Isn't there some value in being hybrid if the additional delay to reply is 
reasonably bounded (i.e. less than a few seconds 95% of the time) while adding 
some valuable additional checks (e.g. resource checking or other prelim 
checking in the application layer)  ?   It is easier for a client to deal with 
a request failure via an error response than to find out later that something 
failed (and that failure indication may not always be easy to correlate with a 
specific request or workflow in the client).

Being hybrid means that more error cases are indicated via a response rather 
than communicated using an asynchronous notification later.

Of course no system is going to be perfectly synchronous so clients do have to 
be able to deal with async failure notifications after-the-fact.


From: netmod [mailto:netmod-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Gert Grammel
Sent: Monday, October 19, 2015 9:15
To: Robert Wilton
Cc: netmod@ietf.org<mailto:netmod@ietf.org>
Subject: Re: [netmod] opstate-reqs #3: Is there a requirement for asynchronous 
systems to provide a blocking config update?

Hi Rob,

From: Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com<mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>>
Date: Monday 19 October 2015 14:25
To: Gert Grammel <ggram...@juniper.net<mailto:ggram...@juniper.net>>
Cc: Kent Watsen <kwat...@juniper.net<mailto:kwat...@juniper.net>>, Martin 
Bjorklund <m...@tail-f.com<mailto:m...@tail-f.com>>, 
Subject: Re: [netmod] opstate-reqs #3: Is there a requirement for asynchronous 
systems to provide a blocking config update?

Hi Gert,

On 19/10/2015 09:06, Gert Grammel wrote:

I think we are describing the same problem from a little different perspective:
Perhaps, but I'm not sure that we are on the same page yet.
Didn't claim that we'd be on the same page, but at least we appear to look at 
the same problem.

Sent from my Apple ][

On 16 Oct 2015, at 20:50, Robert Wilton 
<rwil...@cisco.com<mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

Hi Gert,

On 16/10/2015 18:14, Gert Grammel wrote:

Current implementations are incomplete asynchronous, because they didn't verify 
the config as operational and applied.

What is frequently done is to perform additional checks on the intended config 
that go beyond a syntax check. That is fine, but I have a hard time to consider 
this to be "hybrid" which suggests something in between asynchronous and 
I'm talking about netconf servers that effectively apply most of their 
configuration before they reply.  E.g. they might take 10 minutes to reply.

Exactly, that's why those servers are running asynchronously. The trouble is 
that in contrast to the synchronous operation there is no "done" information. 
Current implementations often try to work around that point by applying more 
than just a syntax check in the first phase. This way they are still quick in 
replying are more reliably responding, but still fail from time to time
I don't follow why you think that these servers are running
asynchronously.  They are much closer to handling all config operations
as synchronous blocking calls.  This is a just a small amount of
programming that is being performed asynchronously.

If a configuration would only take some second or so, everyone would probably 
be happy to apply synchronous config. Asynchronous config come in, when the 
server would need a long time to apply the config or if the time is 
unpredictable. So when we talk about a config that needs 10 min to be applied, 
I would consider a synchronous configuration the wrong design choice to start 
with. A server should reply shortly after receiving the intended config to 
indicate that they are accepting the config and after e.g. 9:59 minutes come 
back with an information that the config has successfully been applied. If you 
mix both information into one you either create a black hole in the beginning 
of the process (request an intended config and getting feedback 10min after) or 
you end up with a grey hole in the end where you know the server is working on 
it but have no idea when it has finished, so that you can reasonably expect an 
operational state in line with your config.

Perhaps this isn't a valid Netconf implementation, and all Netconf server 
implementations are expected to be asynchronous w.r.t to when they apply their 
configuration - but I can't see where this is stated in the NETCONF RFC (but 
possibly I'm not looking in the right place).

>From a client perspective an asynchronous server and a hybrid server look the 
>same. The difference is that the asynchronous one should convey a "finished" 
>information to the client, while the hybrid would remain in a "trust me babe" 
>mode forever.
Yes, but this isn't the only difference:
- a client could expect that an asynchronous config operation response should 
be reasonably expedient.
Agree, but this is true for hybrid and asynchronous and the term "reasonable" 
is not well defined.
This is true for asynchronous but not hybrid, since a hybrid operation
might return just before a proper synchronous operation would.

What is the level of information the client has before and after this 'return'? 
Before the return, it doesn't know if the config is being processed, and after 
the return it doesn't know if it has been applied. Just like asynchronous.

   E.g. if a client was to update 10 devices each with a reasonable size 
configuration (that takes minutes to apply) in an asynchronous way then it 
might reasonably consider sequencing the async config requests to each server 
on one thread.  If each server acknowledged the requests in a couple of seconds 
then all the servers would broadly end up applying the configuration 
Yes, that's why we need asynchronous mode in the first place.
- however, if the servers were hybrid, and their replies were sent much closer 
to when the configuration was actually applied then initiating the requests 
sequentially would effectively mean that the devices end up applying the 
configuration serially which would end up taking much longer.  I.e. it seems 
reasonable that a client may want to differentiate between the behaviour of 
these two servers even if how it handles the resultant config changes is the 
It seems your definition of hybrid is something like "asynchronous but with a 
longer than reasonable response time".
My definition of hybrid (i.e. the default existing netconf config
operations) is along the lines of "asynchronous in behaviour, but may
reply any time between when the intended configuration has been updated
and the applied configuration has been completely updated ".

Understand, but the information available to the client is just the same as for 
asynchronous: before responding, the client doesn't know if the config is being 
processed, and after the response it doesn't know if it has been applied. The 
only difference is that in a proper asynchronous implementation the time 
between a config request and response is short, while the time between response 
and applied config is long. Hybrid tends to move the response time out. I don't 
see how in principle it is different from asynchronous.

This is similar to a bloated synchronous operation which takes too much time to 
respond.  Both cases are undesired and in both cases the solution is to make 
them truly asynchronous. So that we can have a reasonable response time.
I agree with the goal, but it may be difficult to change some existing
NETCONF operational handling to be either strictly sync or async.

Please help me  to understand what you mean with "strictly sync or async". And 
in particular why a hybrid (according to your definition) is not asynch.

Another way to look at hybrids is to consider them "cheating synchronous". 
Given that the new config may not have been applied at the time of the response 
to the client. This is worse than the situation before where a missing verify 
lets the client know that something may still go on. Clients can't tell if 
servers are cheating :-)
Yes, but clients also need to be able to determine if the server is likely to 
be slow to response, because then the client would probably be designed to 
interact with the server in a different fashion (e.g. use a pool of threads to 
initiate the updates concurrently).
How would you do this in practice?
Roughly, I would suggest:

Assuming that this is going to be a new optional to implement extension:
  - There would be a capability to indicate whether a server supports an
explicit sync config operation.
  - There would be a capability to indicate whether a server supports an
explicit async config operation.
  - It would be implicitly assumed that the server would support the
existing default config operation.

In Netconf/Restconf when an edit-config request is made, an extension
would include an option to indicate whether the request should be
processed as sync, async, or default (i.e. existing behaviour).

How would that help the client to figure out how slow the response is likely to 
be? The fact that a request is synch, asynch or hybrid wouldn't tell him how 
fast it is.




   Even servers don't know if they're likely to slow a response when they get a 
request. That's why a quick first response is required that assures the client 
the requests will be processed, followed by a potentially slow feedback that it 
is successfully executed (=verified) or failed.


Sent from my Apple ][

On 16 Oct 2015, at 18:44, Robert Wilton 
<rwil...@cisco.com<mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

On 16/10/2015 14:59, Kent Watsen wrote:

      3.  Support for both synchronous and asynchronous configuration

          A. A server may choose to support only synchronous
             operations, or only asynchronous configuration operations,
             both synchronous and asynchronous configuration operations
             a client specified per-operation basis.
I think the most common mode *today* is a mix of sync/async, on a
per-object basis.
Yes, I agree.
Wait, I think we're talking about different things.  Martin, I'm sure that
internal to a NC/RC server, parts of the intended configuration is
actually applied synchronously (e.g., a hostname) whereas other parts are
not (e.g., config for data plane).   But that nuance is not currently
exposed in any way today -right?
I think that today, from what a client sees/experiences, many replies from 
netconf servers fits neither the definition of "synchronous configuration 
operation" nor "asynchronous configuration operation", but instead, the reply 
is somewhere between the two extremes.

So the question I was trying to raise is whether servers that need to meet the 
opstate requirements have to change to strictly comply with the defined async 
or sync config operation semantics?  E.g. not just adding a "done-applying" 
option, but perhaps also adding something along the lines of a "done-verifying" 


What we're talking about here is an ability for a client to request a
protocol operation (PATCH) to block, or for the "done-applying"
notification to not be sent, until all that processing of the request is
complete.  This regardless if the request contains a mix of nodes that are
applied internally sync/async.  Makes sense? - or it is something else?

          B. Support for synchronous operations as per the definition of
             "synchronous configuration operation".
Doesn't this follow from A?
Yes, possibly.  I don't mind if B is deleted.  If we do this then I
would suggest that we also delete the analogous first sentence of C, and
re-introduce the "(see terms)" text in the headline description.

Kent  // as a contributor

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