[As a contributor]

And just when I thought we were done with this draft  ;)

>>I think that the text for 2A would be more clear using MUST rather than
>>may (in the sense that a compliant server must choose one of the three
>>options listed).
>>        A.  A server may support only synchronous configuration
>>            operations, or only asynchronous configuration operations, or
>>            both synchronous and asynchronous configuration operations on
>>            a client-specified per-operation basis.
>>        A.  A server MUST support only synchronous configuration
>>            operations, or only asynchronous configuration operations, or
>>            both synchronous and asynchronous configuration operations on
>>            a client-specified per-operation basis.
>Gert> support

This does seem better, thanks for the suggestion.  I view this as an editorial 

>>For 2B, I agree changing MAY to SHOULD but we should broaden this to
>>apply to synchronous servers as well.  Even though a config edit
>>operation is synchronous it could still fail to be applied for some
>>leaves, and hence the intended and applied leaves could be out of step.
>>Hence I propose the following change:
>>        B.  Servers that support asynchronous configuration operations
>>            MAY also provide a verify operation that a client can request
>>            from the server to return information regarding the
>>            difference between the intended and applied configurations.
>Gert> as per definition of synchronous, the confirmation has to indicate
>that the intended config has been applied or has been failed. I therefore
>like to keep the current text suggesting to change the existing text
>slightly (SHOULD instead of MAY):
>B.  Servers that support asynchronous configuration operations
>SHOULD also provide a verify operation that a client can request
>            from the server to return information regarding the
>            difference between the intended and applied configurations.
>>        B.  Servers SHOULD also provide a verify operation that a client
>>            can request from the server to return information regarding
>>            difference between the intended and applied configurations.

I agree with Gert on this one - and it is what I told Benoit I would do...

My observation that the “difference” could be as simple as a flag or as complex 
as an actual diff.   When considering the former, there is no need for an 
addition verify option when a synchronous call is made, whereas a verify option 
*would* be useful when an asynchronous call is made.   That said, when 
considering the latter, it seems that a verify option would always be useful.

Being conservative, I choose to believe that “difference" has the simplest 
meaning and hence conclude that the SHOULD only applies to servers that support 
asynchronous configuration operations.  This doesn’t mean that a solution can 
always provide a verify operation, of course, and if the result includes an 
actual diff, it’s value will be understood as being generally useful.  Makes 

>>For 2C, I think that the "may" should change to "SHOULD", otherwise the
>>requirement that "rollback on error" semantics SHOULD be provided
>>doesn't seem well grounded.
>>So, before:
>>        C.  The configuration protocol MUST specify how configuration
>>            errors are handled.  Errors MAY be handled by semantics
>>            similar to NETCONF's error-options for the <edit-config>
>>            operation (stop-on-error, continue-on-error, rollback-on-
>>            error), as described in Section 7.2 in [RFC6241], but
>>            extended to incorporate both the intended and applied
>>            configurations.  Support for "rollback on error" semantics
>>            SHOULD be provided.
>>        C.  The configuration protocol MUST specify how configuration
>>            errors are handled.  Errors SHOULD be handled by semantics
>>            similar to NETCONF's error-options for the <edit-config>
>>            operation (stop-on-error, continue-on-error, rollback-on-
>>            error), as described in Section 7.2 in [RFC6241], but
>>            extended to incorporate both the intended and applied
>>            configurations.  Support for "rollback on error" semantics
>>            SHOULD be provided.
>Gert> support

This does seem better than the s/MAY/may/ I proposed to Benoit.  

The important thing to me is that there is still a lot of leeway in the 
"handled by semantics similar to” clause.  It’s just saying that the client 
SHOULD have some control over error handling, which I think is still in keeping 
with the original phrasing of the requirement.   So I view this as another 
editorial fix.



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