On 14 Mar 2009 Keith Hopper wrote:

> "Disabling" CSS makes absolutely no difference to the need for both of
> the parts of the rendering engine. So! It would seem merely a
> 'surface' option which placates a user but makes absolutely no
> difference in the code which has to exist for any form of rendering to
> take place. Perhaps it isn't a useful option after all??

I thimk you're Barking up the wrong creek.

I'm not the one who's advocating disabling CSS but I can see the 
point. You might just stand a chance of making the content of an 
unreadable page readable even though you could lose its formatting. 
This could be useful where you have text and/or images obscuring one 

A related feature that I have requested is the ability to turn off 
document colours (as in Oregano) which could overcome lack of contrast 
|_|. _   Richard Porter               http://www.minijem.plus.com/
|\_||_                                mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
Disclaimer: Please imagine about 50 lines of pointless clutter.

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