In message <>
          cj <> wrote:

> In article <>,
>    Richard Ashbery <> wrote:
>> Peter - what I didn't clarify is that John's utility and curl works
>> correctly on the Iyonix (RISC OS 5.18) but not on BB (RISC OS
>> 5.19). I get the same "segmentation fault" you highlighted earlier.

> The current version of cURL will not run on the BB. As mentioned by
> Frank, use wget instead - that works fine on the BB (ARMini).

> I guess cURL simply needs a recompile with ARMv7 friendly flags.

I run an Iyonix 5.18 and I hope one day some one will make sense of 
all this fetching stuff and how people like me can make use of it.

Totally lost from Middlesbrough,



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