In article <>, cj
<> wrote:
> In article <>, Peter Young
>    <> wrote:
> > unless I open the library so that cURL is booted.

> Are you putting the curl *binary* in to Boot:Library? If you are
> putting the !cURL *application* in Boot:Library it will not work
> because nothing in Boot:Library is booted at boot time. Either
> extract the cURL binary from the app and put in to Library or put
> the !cURL application in to eg Boot:Resources, where the app will
> be booted.

Confirmed - !cURL application must be in Boot:Resources

Excuse me butting in but on BB -xM (RISC OS 5.19) with !cURL application
in Boot:Resources "segmentation fault" occurs as described in Peter's
earlier posting.

On my Iyonix (RISC OS 5.18) !cURL is in Boot:Resources and in
conjunction with !Fetch_NS all works correctly without error.



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