In message <>
          Tim Powys-Lybbe <> wrote:

> On 14 Oct at 20:02, Alan Leighton <> wrote:

>> In message <>
>>           cj <> wrote:
>>> In article <>,
>>>    Richard Ashbery <> wrote:
>>>> Peter - what I didn't clarify is that John's utility and curl
>>>> works correctly on the Iyonix (RISC OS 5.18) but not on BB (RISC
>>>> OS 5.19). I get the same "segmentation fault" you highlighted
>>>> earlier.
>>> The current version of cURL will not run on the BB. As mentioned by
>>> Frank, use wget instead - that works fine on the BB (ARMini).
>>> I guess cURL simply needs a recompile with ARMv7 friendly flags.
>> I run an Iyonix 5.18 and I hope one day some one will make sense of
>> all this fetching stuff and how people like me can make use of it.

> Well at the end all I did was:

> 1. Make a new Directory
> 2. Put Curl in it
> 3. Put Fetch_NS in it
> 4. Double click on Curl
> 5. Double click on Fetch_NS

> and after quite a few nano seconds, an archive appeared in that
> Directory with a name such as 463/zip and containing a new Netsurf, with
> installation instructions in the Readme file: Basically just run the
> Netsurf within.

> This was on a VRPC.

>> Totally lost from Middlesbrough,

> I see your MP has just died, you must be bereft.

Stewart was a nice guy, he opened our Hope Foundation Adult Training 
Centre and was very encouraging. 'In the midst of life we are in 
death' as the BCP says,




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