Hi James!!! (sorry for calling you Dennis)

    I replay my previus email to you from my University, so I could not 
check the setting in my BIOS. As soon as I arrived to my home, I when to 
check the setting in the bios. There were one for comunication port 1, 
and another for MODEM. The comunication port was set to com1 which was 
3F8-3FF and irq 4. The one on modem was set as it is on windows : com2 
2F8-2FF (I think) and irq 3.

    If you remember, my problem was that when I reboot Linux. I was 
getting my modem on the com1, when in reality it was in com2. What I did 
was set in the MODEM FIELD on the BIOS to disable and on the 
COMUNICATION PORT I inserted the address of the com2 and it irq=3.

    After all these settings, thanks to you, I is under linux in the 
right port. I checked setserial /dev/ttyS1 and now I am getting the 
right uart=16550A, address and irq. So in other words, the modem I think 
is where it should be. 

    Now I am trying to use the kppp, SETUP->MODEN->QUERY MODEM. And it 
said MODEM READY and after a few seconds it said MODEM DOES'T RESPOND. 

    Do you have any susgestion?

    Thanks for your time james!!

PS: I pretty sure that my modem is not a win modem because I call compaq 
and they told me so. Also it has no jumpers on it.


----Original Message Follows----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( James)
Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem problem
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 03:54:26 GMT

On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 16:14:51 PST, you wrote:

>Thanks Dennis for your help!!
> Look I think my port is not disable in the bios because it work fine 
>under windows. What do you think?

Are you positive that your modem is not a WinModem?   Win(type) modems
are almost fully software supported....that support is not yet built
into linux....if it ever will be....

Now if it ISNT a winmodem, it could be a PnP type which is also one
that sometimes isnt handled well by linux.  Sometimes its needed to
boot into windows let it set your modem than do a soft reboot and go
into linux.  However...easist way to tell is to boot into windows and
check the settings for both your modem and your comports.  See what
comports you have listed in hardware manager and see what port and irq
are assigned your modem.

You need to verify if your modem is the PnP type or if it is set by
jumpers on the modem itself.  

Now..if your modem is set to use Com 3 in windows that same setting
should work in linux, if you use setserial to set your irq and port
for cua2 to match your setting in windows.  The default setting in
linux is to assign com3 the same irq as com1. 

If your modem is undetected in linux, the usual reason is due one of
several things.

   1.  Its a winmodem....in which case....you have one option
                  Get a new modem.

   2.  The modem is set to use a comport or irq that while will enable

         it to work in windows, conflicts with another port or irq in 
         linux.  Irq sharing not being a strong point in linux..or its

        a weak point in windows...depends on your point of view. <g>  

                a.  Verify your IRQ and comport settings on your card.

                b.  Make sure your second comport is disabled in your 
                     bios, if your modem is set for com2.

Even if all the above is ok and correct, since linux assigns defaults
for the irq for the comports, you need to verify with setserial what
ports are assigned what IRQ's. and than change the port with setserial
to match your modem.

Now if I have not well and trully confused you...let me know what

>Thanks again Dennis.
>----Original Message Follows----
>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( James)
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Modem problem
>Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 21:11:57 GMT
>On Mon, 08 Feb 1999 09:41:51 PST, you wrote:
>>I have been trying to install my modem for two month. First, I tryed 
>>under the linux redhat 5.2, and I got "unknow uart" in all my serial 
>>ports. Now under mandrake (which I love it) since my machine boots, it 
>>detected (16550A), but under ttyS0 which is com1 under dos/windows. 
>>problem is that it is not on that port, in reality it is on com2. But 
>>com2 has a "unknow uart". I have tryed all the combinations of 
>>setserial, changing the addresses, irqs, and setting the uart when it 
>>My modem is a compaq presario (Not a winmodem) and its speed is 33.6 .
>>Using kppp I get the following errors: 
>>.- When it is in the ttyS0 (where it is detected as 16550A): After a 
>>while during the MODEM QUERY, i get Modem does not respond.
>>.- And when I try other port , ex:ttyS1 (where the modem suppuse to 
>>I get error can not open modem.
>>If someone knows what can I do to solve my problem, I will really 
>>apresiate it.
>Have you tried setting Kppp for   cua1   ???.     Do you have com2
>enabled in your bios?    If so you need to disable it....so your modem
>can use it...otherwise your modem is being bumped by the bios to a
>different comport...and since your modem isnt set for it...it cant be
>found or initialized.   Also...try the cua   ports for selecting your
>modem once you have verified your bios settings.  Also using setserial
>verify port settings using the cua ports.
>Hope this helps.
>   Dennis
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