Hi Kevin,

I tried running free -m, and had this result (without KDE):

             total    used    free    shared    buffers    cached
Mem:            30      13      16         6         1         9
-/+ buffers/cache:       3      26                               
Swap:          125       0     125

and with KDE:

             total    used    free    shared   buffers   cached
Mem:            30      29       0        31         0       12
-/+ buffers/cache:      16      13
Swap:          125       0     125

Although I didn't know why it report 30 instead of 32, I do get
the picture why it's so slow. BTW, thanks for the command tips.

Irsan SPS

At 14:16 30/03/99 -0500, you wrote:
|----- snip for brevity -----
|When I run free -m I get the following results.
|                       total   used    free    shared  buffers cached
|Mem:                   10      9       1       5               1               2
|-/+ bufffers/cache:    4       5
|Swap:                  101     15      86
|As you can see, linux thinks I only have 10meg of memory!! I even added the
|append='128MB' statement to the lilo.conf, but no difference. Run the
|free -m command and see if you get similar results.
|----- snip for brevity ----- 

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